A Holistic way to health

Lisa Granditer LCHE RSHom is a registered homeopath who has been in practice since 2004 and works online or face-to-face in North West London and South East Dorset.

What Is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy stimulates the body's natural ability to heal itself, and to express symptoms from the internal to the external, rather than suppress them.It is a widely used and well established form of medicine that has been practiced in many countries, for hundreds of years.Homeopathic medicine is suitable in pregnancy, for babies and people of all ages, and it can be used alongside other medicines. It is non-addictive because only a very minute amount of the active ingredient is used in a specifically prepared form.Homeopathic medicines are usually prescribed so that the remedy given matches your symptoms as you experience them. For example if you have a cold or hay fever, with burning, streaming eyes and a watery, runny nose, you might be given a remedy made from an onion. The principle being ‘Like Cures Like’.Homeopathy is a subtle form of natural medicine that stimulates the body to make significant changes for your wellbeing.

What Can Homeopathy Do For You?

Homeopathy can help with many emotional and physical ailments including:Viral Infections:
colds and flu, glandular fever, ME, chicken pox, and general low immunity
food allergies, constipation, diarrhoea, flatulence, indigestion, candida, IBS
Childhood Ailments:
Teething, colic, reflux, bed-wetting, molluscum, glue ear, behavioural and learning difficulties
Ear, Nose, Throat & Respiratory:
ear infections, sinusitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, coughs, asthma and hay fever
eczema, acne, heat rash, urticaria and warts
First Aid:
shock, headaches, bumps, bruises, sprains, bites, stings, wound healing
arthritis, rheumatism
PMT, menstrual problems, menopause, prostate problems, PCOS, conception, pregnancy related complaints, breast feeding, thrush and cystitis
stress, low energy, panic attacks, insomnia, anxiety, grief and depression.

About Lisa

Lisa Granditer LCHE RSHom qualified as a homeopathic practitioner in 2004 from the Centre for Homeopathic Education in London. She has been in private practice and working at The Organic Pharmacy in London from 2004 until 2023 and is registered with the Society of Homeopaths.Throughout this time, she has treated people of all ages and backgrounds. She provides in-depth consultations addressing various health concerns including digestive issues, respiratory and chest complaints, allergies, and hormonal and skin issues, as well as offering acute over-the-counter advice, telephone and online consultations.Along with prescribing homeopathic remedies, herbs and supplements, Lisa provides nutritional advice. She has a pragmatic approach and is particularly interested in the relationship between emotional stress and its physiological response, which involves analysing the symptoms and their possible causation, along with the specific nature and response of the person.She currently divides her time between North West London and South East Dorset.


For more information and to arrange online, telephone or face to face consultations, please email by clicking the button below.

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